Saturday, January 8, 2011

1:30 PM: Wrigleyville and Harry Caray’s Hot Ass

After cooling down, we decide to brave the L and head to Wrigleyville. If you can handle the subway in New York, you can’t fuck it up in Chicago. It’s half the size, twice as clean, and you can actually hear the announcers.
The L travels above ground, which is actually a nice change in the summer. I bet it sucks in the winter. But as a tourist it’s especially nice as it is yet another way to check out the city. As you approach Wrigleyville there are rows of, well I’ll call them townhouses, but they look like beach houses I’ve seen down the Shore. They’re clapboard (in a nice way) with winding stairs that go up the back, and you can tell it’s a neighborhood for young people because the porches are all messy, many have flags, and most have Christmas lights.
We went to the stadium, which sadly was not open, but we saw the bars and apartment buildings that surround the stadium which all use their roofs as more bleachers. No idea what you have to pay to sit there, but either way A and I quickly imagined ourselves living in a building with Cubs seats on our roof and late summer nights getting wasted and watching baseball, only to walk downstairs and pass out.
We also stopped to admire the sort of bizarre statue erected (hah) in honor of Harry Caray. If you don’t know Harry, he was the beloved Cubs announcer, famous for being pretty ridiculous:

Another warning here – do not touch the Harry Caray statue on a hot day. This might seem intuitive, like sticking your tongue to a flag pole in winter, or not touching a lit stove, but judgment is impaired after a lunch pitcher at Lucky’s (read: I burned the shit out of my arm trying to be funny)

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